Juillet 2022
Orientations aux législateurs des commissions du secteur de la santé ou du secteur social au Parlement
Ayan Jha

Le but de cette note est de fournir des mesures pratiques que les législateurs peuvent prendre pour améliorer la durabilité du financement de la

Juillet 2022
Guidance for Ministry of Finance Staff
Ayan Jha and Jay Gribble

The purpose of this guide is to provide practical action steps that MOF staff can take to improve the sustainability of family planning financing

Juillet 2022
Orientations pour le personnel du département de la Planification familiale du ministère de la Santé
Ayan Jha et Jay Gribble

Le but de ce document est de fournir des mesures pratiques que le personnel du programme de planification familiale du MS peut prendre pour

Juillet 2022
Guidance for Ministry of Health Family Planning Department Staff
Ayan Jha and Jay Gribble

The purpose of this brief is to provide practical action steps that MOH family planning program staff can take to improve the sustainability of

Juillet 2022
Guidance for Legislators in Health or Social Sector Committees in Parliament
Ayan Jha

The purpose of this brief is to provide practical action steps that legislators can take to improve the sustainability of family planning

février 2022
This brief describes how well financial resources have been invested in Tanzania to fulfill family planning priorities outlined in the country’s second national family planning costed implementation plan (CIP) for 2019–2023. HP+ conducted three gap analyses for each of the first three years of the plan using the Family Planning CIP Costing Tool. These annual gap analyses specifically assessed (a) the extent to which CIP results and activities are adequately funded, underfunded, or over-funded, (b) the extent to which CIP activities for a given year are included in funded stakeholder workplans, and (c) geographic coverage of funded activities. Findings of the gap analysis, as well as recommendations, were shared and discussed during semiannual family planning implementer meetings.
Juillet 2020

This guide is intended to help countries identify and implement catalytic interventions for domestic financing of family planning across four

décembre 2019

Senegal's family planning program remains significantly dependent on external resources and struggles with funding activities outlined in the

Octobre 2019

Community health workers provide essential care to many populations and are a vital component of most community health programs in Africa. This

février 2019

The health system in Mali relies on community health workers to deliver essential services to rural populations, however, the program is almost

Domestic Resource Mobilization
Ce document interne de l’OMS passe en revue le statut actuel et les défis concernant la MRI pour la santé en Afrique et discute des messages politiques clefs pour les pays dans la région.
Getting Health Slice
Ce rapport partage des leçons tirées d’ateliers d’apprentissage joints qui ont promu l’échange de connaissance, disséminé de nouvelles et existantes ressources et soutenu les pays pour les aider à planifier et appliquer la MRI.
Domestic Resource Mobilization
Cette brochure inclut des informations sur la manière dont USAID travaille avec des pays en développement pour mobiliser des ressources intérieures supplémentaires pour les services sociaux, y compris la santé.